Learn more about the international coach transportation company City Tours Europe
The prestigious tour operator City Tours Europe was founded in Austria and mostly focalizes upon swift pre-booking of chauffeur-driven buses in the context of tours in Sweden, Denmark, Russia, Lithuania, Germany, Finland, Latvia, Norway, Estonia, and Poland, as well as in all close and far off territories within the limits of Europe. City Tours Europe provides service in all the many surfaces belonging to Europe and runs field offices in the following countries: Italy, Austria, Germany, and Poland.
These are the company data of City Tours Europe
If you wish to read all important informations about City Tours Europe, please see Europe Buses.
Our headquarters are

City Tours GmbH - Deutschland, Hauptstraße 34, D-99439 An Ettersberg (Berlstedt) , Germany. Phone line: +49 203 98 42 10 51. Fax: +49 322 21 73 95 74.
Executive board and Corporate capital

Alexander Ehrlich (director) and Katarina Bachner (authorized signatory). Corporate capital: EUR 35.000,00, referring to the corporate capital of City Tours GmbH with seat in Vienna (Austria), which is the parent company of City Tours GmbH - Deutschland (a foreign branch office of City Tours GmbH).
Legal registrations

Tour operator license n° 2011/0010 at the Austrian ministry for economy and labour. Privacy protection n° 3000394 at the Austrian data protection commission. Member of: Chamber of commerce Jena. VAT-ID: DE815344110. Registration number: HRB 515435, at the Court of Jena. Insolvability insurance: Zürich Insurance, policy n°: 701.014.823.504. Executor: Europ. Reiseversicherung, Kratochwjlestr. 4, 1220 Wien. For a look on our privacy policy, please read here. To see even more details about our company, we invite you to have a look at the following website: www.citytours-germany.com.
Sorts of lettable coaches, microbuses and limousines in Helsingborg
Dependent on the exact quantity of travellers, our trained agency is available to give you top-notch vehicles of varying seating capacities, like outstanding buses, up-to-date microcoaches, and secure sedans within and near Helsingborg.
Reserve untarnished buses or untainted coaches
If your traveller group is looking to make a reservation for a upscale charter bus in the circumference of Helsingborg or in closeby cities like Taastrup, Helsinge, Lomma, Malmö, Farum, Eslöv, Nivå, Trelleborg, Holbæk, Laholm, Lund, Værløse, Halmstad, Køge, Hornbæk-Dronningmølle, Humlebæk, Frederikssund, Haslev, Nykøbing Sjælland, Hundested, Birkerød, Lillerød, Smørumnedre-Måløv, Hedehusene-Fløng, Kristianstad, Tune, Vellinge, Landskrona, Staffanstorp, Svedala - Sjödiken, Frederiksværk, Hellebæk, Helsingør, Ringsted, Kävlinge, Solrød Strand, Ängelholm - Vejbystrand, Slangerup, Ølstykke-Stenløse, Höganäs, Jyllinge, Roskilde, Copenhagen, Hässleholm, Hørsholm, Dragør, Fredensborg, Gilleleje, and Hillerød, our well-versed operator pool will be contented to expertly organize your coach reservation. Along with this, our office can as well suggest other touristic service classes, like knowledgeable tour guide service in Skåne county and in every one of its neighboring territories.
Charter seamless minibuses and maintained microcoaches
Our professional personnel is prepared, capable and willing to offer individual minicoach rental for tours, transfers and excursions from on and around the surface of Helsingborg to wherever in Skåne county and Sweden. Rely upon our bureau in case you wish to transfer just a small number of tourists.
Charter advanced limousines or de luxe sedans
Through the group tour company City Tours Europe, non-corporate audiences and professional people are invited to reserve your desired unflawed sedans, cars and limousines for quick airport-to-hotel transfers by sedans, limousines and cars in Helsingborg, Svedala - Sjödiken, Lund, Malmö, Køge, Vellinge, Ølstykke-Stenløse, Taastrup, Eslöv, Frederiksværk, Höganäs, Nykøbing Sjælland, Jyllinge, Birkerød, Roskilde, Farum, Dragør, Holbæk, Hørsholm, Kävlinge, Fredensborg, Nivå, Hässleholm, Smørumnedre-Måløv, Ängelholm - Vejbystrand, Hedehusene-Fløng, Slangerup, Humlebæk, Frederikssund, Tune, Laholm, Gilleleje, Helsingør, Hornbæk-Dronningmølle, Hellebæk, Haslev, Halmstad, Landskrona, Lillerød, Staffanstorp, Helsinge, Copenhagen, Solrød Strand, Værløse, Hillerød, Hundested, Trelleborg, Lomma, Ringsted, and Kristianstad. But our sales person team is as well prepared and willing to offer sedans, limousines and cars with a punctual and credible driver for first-class sightseeing trips within Skåne county as well as to the circumferent states of Denmark, Halland county, Poland, Blekinge county, Germany, and Kronoberg county.
Rent a safe vehicle in all places in Helsingborg
In partnership with many bus operators from Helsingborg and all parts of Europe, coach company Helsingborg hire buses primarily concentrates on custom motorvehicle charter around and across Helsingborg. If you are planning to charter coaches within Helsingborg, Lomma, Eslöv, Ystad, Helsingborg, Ängelholm - Vejbystrand, Landskrona, Malmö, Lund, Vellinge, Staffanstorp, Kristianstad, Svedala - Sjödiken, Hässleholm, Simrishamn, Trelleborg, Höganäs, and Kävlinge, or elsewhere in Skåne county, Halland county, Kronoberg county, Poland, Denmark, Blekinge county, and Germany you just need to just drop us a line at the address .
Hire a bus in closeby regions
Denmark, Halland county, Poland, Blekinge county, Germany, and Kronoberg county
Hire a bus in closeby cities
HelsingørHellebækHumlebækNivåFredensborgHöganäsLandskronaHørsholmHornbæk-DronningmølleÄngelholm - VejbystrandGillelejeBirkerødHillerødLillerødFarumKävlingeVærløseSlangerupHelsingeSmørumnedre-MåløvCopenhagenFrederiksværkØlstykke-StenløseEslövFrederikssundLundLommaDragørTaastrupJyllingeHundestedMalmöHedehusene-FløngStaffanstorpLaholmRoskildeTuneSolrød StrandVellingeHässleholmSvedala - SjödikenHalmstadKøgeNykøbing SjællandHolbækTrelleborgRingstedKristianstadHaslev